Republican Party Delegates

Mesmerizing cdv tintype of what we feel might be members or delegates of the Republican Party. We see ten men in similar outfits and hats sporting ribbons along with a number of them holding small horns which are similar to the ones used in campaigns.  While we can’t see any details the giveaway for us is the two small elephant statues posed on their rear ends on either side of the group.    A few also have long ribbons draping down from their hats and the man in the front holds a cane or walking stick.  The image of the elephant as a Republican symbol was first seen in at least one cartoon during the Civil War.  In 1874 in Harpers Weekly, Thomas Nast used both symbols with the elephant branded in writing on the side as the Republican vote.  The image most certainly seems to date around or after the 1874 time period.  The men are posed in front of a building off the main street or possibly a walkway.  At first glance we thought the structure might be a studio wagon but in the end we felt that it is a little too large in size.  The tintype is in very good plus condition with great tones and contrast.  A hint of wear and a very slight bend on the top right that is barely noticeable. 